Sensitization Against Stigmatizing People Living With AIDS

“All say no to the stigmatization of HIV and AIDS patients” was the message the Health club of CUIB Douala campus brought to its students, faculty and staff on Monday 12th of December 2022.
The Health club embarked on a sensitization campaign about HIV and AIDS to commemorate the world HIV/AIDS day which is celebrated on the 1st of December annually.
During this event, the club members distributed red ribbons to the entire student body while engaging with them in meaningful conversations about abstinence which is the most effective way to prevent the spread of the virus.
Abstinence, which was the key message of a beautiful sketch organised on campus, is a great way of preventing this illness. Meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that, hugging, touching, speaking or even eating with an infected person is not dangerous
There are many ways of contracting the virus; either by using unsterilised infected sharp objects, by having unprotected sexual intercourse or even by infected blood transfusions.
HIV is real but doesn’t show on the face of the beholder. The head of the health unit Douala campus, Ms. Abang Becky called on all to constantly do a test and be aware of their status. She added that all should practice abstinence before marriage and maintain one partner during marriage.