WELCOME TO CUIBCatholic University Institute of BUEAAPPLY IN 5MINSThe City Of Saints And ScholarsSaintsScholars
The Growth Mindset
Entrepreneurial University -
We Are Servant
Leaders -
We Are Innovative In NatureWe Are Passion Driven

Our Mission
To prepare professional servant leaders with moral and spiritual values who will contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.
Our Vision
To bring hope to the students and awaken in them a sense of purpose and direction, so that they may achieve social, economic, spiritual, cultural and environmental well-being in their communities in particular and the nation at large.
CUIB’s educational philosophy provides each student with individual guidance in his or her process of learning and personal development. We recognize that each individual, created in the image and likeness of God has a unique background, knowledge, experience, and personality and that all of these factors affect the learning process. Each student is treated as an individual and assisted in reaching his or her full potential and growth…Read more
The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) was created by His Lordship Mgr. Immanuel BUSHU, Bishop of the Diocese of Buea by a pastoral letter of 29th May, 2011 to act as the entrepreneurial practicum arm of CUIB.CEI fosters innovation and transition from lab to market. As a self-sustaining proof of concept center of excellence, it works to facilitate the creation, integration and application of innovative solutions to community problems.Read more
The educational philosophy, based on the Focolare Economy of Communion (EoC) experience is designed to develop in the individual the capacity to think critically, be creative, accept and fulfill responsibilities, work effectively in teams (EoC teams), reason, analyze and propose options for the resolution of problems, develop a deep sense of God’s calling to be collaborators in creation and to become lifelong learners.