Engagement for fees payment with the University has been placed under three categories:
75% Fees Engagement for B.Sc. Programs:
Parents can take engagement for which they are allowed to pay the first 75% on or/before December 31st of each Academic Year. In this case, students will be allowed to register for their courses without completing the 75% as per the normal installment and deadlines policies stipulated above. Further engagement during the second semester of each academic year is NOT allowed. The balance of 25% shall be paid in full within the required time frame (March 15 of each academic year).
85% Fees for Associate Degree and HND Programs:
Parents can take engagement for which they are allowed to pay the first 85% on/or before December 31st of each Academic Year. In this case, students will be allowed to register for their courses without completing the 85% as per the normal installment and deadlines policies stipulated above. Further engagement during the second semester of each academic year is NOT allowed. The balance of 15% shall be paid in full within the required time frame (February 28th each academic year).
100% Monthly Fees Engagement:
In case of monthly fees engagement, the complete fees should be paid on or/ before February 28th for Associate Degree and HND programs and March 15th for B.Sc. program of each academic year. A default in monthly payment cancels the engagement automatically. In this case, the student will be required to complete the fees due following the University’s Policies on installment Payment and Deadlines as mentioned above.

CUIB Official Bank Accounts
10029 | 26015 | 01413400401 | 71 |
NFC BANK | |||
10025 | 00043 | 16401044571 | 96 |
NB: When paying your fees, please indicate clearly the Name of Student as on your Birth Certificate (Please, respect the order of your name as on the Admission letter when making payment at the Bank).
Money can be paid into one of the various banks listed below to which the University has a working relationship with:
a. Ecobank
b. NFC Bank
c. Express Exchange
Yes payment can be made through international bank transfers to our
ECOBANK account, using the following information; IBAN CODE: CM2110029260153109000487662
SWIFT CODE: ECOCCMCX Internal Current Account: 31090004876
After every payments made into the University account, the student are required:
1. Photocopy their payment receipts.
2. Present the originals of their payment receipts together with the photocopy at the finance office for Clearance.
The University accepts the following methods of payment:
1. Cash payment into the University bank account with any of our partner banks
2. Bank transfers into the official CUIB bank account.
The University has NO responsibility for money that has been erroneously paid into the wrong bank account.
No cash payments are accepted at the University finance office. All Payments whatsoever must be paid into CUIB official bank account
FRESHMAN = 850,000 FRS
JUNIOR = 800,000 FRS
SENIOR = 800,000 FRS
Tuition fee is 250, 000 CFA
Contact the office of finance through info@cuib-cameroon.net)
Yes, a parent can take an engagement to pay fees in instalments. Contact the office of finance through info@cuib-cameroon.net)
Transcript Fee is 5,000 FRS per copy

563 Buea
South West Region
Landline: +237 233322829
Email: finance@cuib-cameroon.net