Sr. Emmanuella Fomenky Memorial Foundation Clinic
SR. EMMANUELLA FOMENKY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION CLINIC Buea, Cameroon is a Higher Institution of Learning Based Health Clinic owned and operated by Catholic University Institute of Buea. The clinic renders health services to the pupils, students, staff and faculty of CUIB, and the community.
Its mission is to improve on the health of pupils, students, staff and faculty of CUIB, as well as that of the community by delivering quality health services.
A competent medical team (medical doctor, nurse and laboratory technician) provides a wide range of health services to the CUIB community, including but not limited to health promotion/disease prevention services, clinical care services (medical consultations, laboratory exams and screenings) and health outreach services.Read More…
The health fee serves as a caution/insurance for the free services and medications rendered.
No, we do not admit patients, but we do have observation rooms where patients are permitted to rest while receiving treatment.
Yes, they are permitted to benefit from the health services because the objective of this health facility is to provide qualitative care to CUIB family and the community
So far, we have not established any partnership. Never the less, patients who need specific medical attention are referred to other hospitals and we follow them up.
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