CUIB Students begins First Semester Examination on Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Students of the Catholic University Institute of Buea will, on Tuesday, 3rd March 2020, effectively begins the First Semester examinations at the satellite campuses of Buea and Douala.
The examinations will last for two weeks, during which the growth mindset students will be expected to be in school very early each day and to respect the school rules and regulations governing examinations in Cameroon.
“During the period for exams we call on students to avoid bringing their bags on Campus, they don’t come with phones, and also pre-prepared material because it is an exam of international standards and we must respect the laws of exams in Cameroon and the world at large.”
“ We want the students to understand that we will not tolerate any late coming and will strictly respect the time of the examination and any student that will come 30 minutes late will not be allowed to sit in for that paper” Dr. Djikeng Fabrice Director of CUIB Douala Campus explained.
“The exam is not a punitive measure for students but an opportunity for them to show mastery of what they have learned within the last three months. I wish them the best as they will be writing during the Lent period. Berakah” Director of Buea Campus Mr. Mbohjim O. Mobit expressed.
Students can check out their timetables here