CUIB Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy recently had its first sports classes with 7 professional coaches from the CUIB Sports Academy. Their ambition being that before a child graduates he/she should be
One week after the effective resumption of the 2017/2018 school year at the Catholic University Institute of Buea Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy, the aspect of discipline cannot be over emphasized. At
Education is an important tool to fight against poverty and to ensure sustainable development in our Nation especially at a time when most nations are updating their educational system to
Classes for the 2017/2018 school year for the CUIB Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy, officially kick started today 4th September 2017 at 08:00 am. The start of the school year for the
The Catholic University Institute of Buea’s Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy will kick start effectively on Monday 4th, September 2017. The Elementary Entrepreneurial Academy has as objective to develop the God given
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