CUIB Mourns one of Her Students

The Catholic University Institute of Buea, Douala Campus has lost one of her students Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya a final year student in the School of Business studying Accounting.
The student passed away around 2:00 am on Wednesday, February 12th at Douala General Hospital due to an illness that the family had struggled with to ensure that their daughter stays alive to achieve her dreams.
Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya’s death brought pains to the Growth Mindset Institution, which considers her students as VIPs.
 The Faculty and staff were very sad to hear that the beautiful and intelligent and ever-smiling Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya was no more and will not be back any time soon.
To the students it was like the whole world had gone dark, beautiful memories are still fresh in their minds especially her classmates with whom she had stayed in touch before and during her hospitalization.
Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya was a student full of life, with great ambitions of becoming the best of herself in the future, her untimely departure brought sorrow to her family.
As an institution that trains professional servant leaders with spiritual and moral values, the director of CUIB Douala Campus alongside with the Vice Provost and some students convened at the family residence of Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya to sympathize with the family and to say farewell to their student and friend.   
“We are sad hearing that our student is no more, we know God knows why it happened please stay strong and always know we will continue to put your family especially your daughter in our hearts” Vice Provost of CUIB consoling the mother
“This is a sad day for us as a family and as an institution to hear that one of our students has gone to meet our creator, we should always put her in our prayers and also pray for the family. Dear students stay strong” The Director addresses the students that morning
Nafisa Momut Cie Njoya, the CUIB family, loves you so much, and it is hard to say goodbye for only God knows why he wants to see you. May your soul rest in peace.