CUIB officially welcomes freshman students for the 2021/2022 school year.
Dr. Asobo Napoleon, the Chief Academic Officer of the Catholic University Institute of Buea on Wednesday 6th October and Thursday 7th October 2021, represented Prof Victor Julius Ngoh the President of CUIB during the 2021/2022 freshman orientation ceremony in the growth mindset entrepreneurial institution.
The aim of the orientation ceremony was to explain the general university philosophy to the newly admitted students for the 2021/2022 school year and also to make them understand the mission and vision of the institution which is to train professional servant leaders with spiritual and moral values who will contribute to the sustainable development of their community.

During the ceremony in Buea, Dr. Asobo began by appreciating the freshmen for choosing CIUB and told them that the CUIB is one the best entrepreneurial universities in Africa and reminded the students not jeopardize the opportunity provided by their parents for them to study in CUIB and to make their communities better.
“I want to thank you very much for coming, I am sure from the presentations that will follow, you will all admit that you did the right choice. We are prepared to support the academic staff as much as possible to make sure that they transfer the necessary knowledge, skills and competency throughout your stay in CUIB. On Your own part, we will be expecting regularity, punctuality and discipline from you all. Discipline will also involve being professional in your dressing and keeping to the rules and regulations of CUIB,” Dr Asobo said in his opening remark as he welcomed the students.

The Director of Administrative Affairs Rev. Fr. Micheal Mbuwir encouraged the students to be faithful in their studies and articulated that CUIB which is a growth mindset entrepreneurial institution, is a place that encourages excellence as the students are always at the center of its philosophy.
He added that CUIB is a place that forms minds and hearts and that the students will have holistic education that will be focused on a competence based approach and not leaving out the economy of communion philosophy that is EoC.Rev Fr. Micheal concluded by telling the students that it is only in CUIB that they can be trained to become the best version of themselves at all levels if they stay committed to their lectures.
At the level of decorum, the director of Students Affairs Rev. Sr. Theresa, told the students that CUIB is a holistic university that promotes decent dressing and said indecent dressing will not be accepted in the institution.
The general orientation ceremony ended well in the Buea Campus as all the offices had an opportunity to explain to the freshmen what the nature of activities that goes on at their respective offices look like.

A similar exercise also took place on Thursday 7th October 2021 at the Bonaberi-Douala Campus where the Buea delegation was received by the executive vice President Dr. Nangum Eric who appreciated the efforts of the President Prof. Victor Julius Ngoh in seeing into it that the Douala campus moves on effectively.
He appreciated the Chancellor/Pro-Chancellor of the University His Lordship Micheal Bibi for providing a permanent Campus to the students in Douala who now can study under a similar environment like those of the Buea Campus.
He concluded by calling on the students of the Douala Campus to make good use of their new campus and promised that the faculty and staff will do their best to provide them with the quality education that they need in order to become the best versions of themselves.
The president’s representative Dr. Asobo was also happy with the engagement of the returning students and reassured them that the president will not leave any stone unturned to make sure that they have a great stay in CUIB.