CUIB, The student’s experience begins!
Two weeks into the start of effective classes at the Catholic University Institute of Buea, campus life is noted to be fun filled as lecturers keep the students busy with lectures while students also get themselves involve in extracurricular activities on campus.
As the students embrace the year with determination and the zeal to enjoy their student’s experience to the full, they ponder who will represent them as Student Government President for the 2017/18 academic year.
Being the sole responsibility of students to select their leader, Campaigns for the student government presidential position kick started recently for the entire student body to make sound decisions on who will be their representative voice to liaise with management and the external public for the good of the students.
This exercise which runs concurrently with classroom lectures and entrepreneurial trainings has been scheduled to take place for a week to give students especially freshmen, ample time to understand the various parties, the presidential candidates and the benefits of voting for the right leader.
Operating under the values of servant leadership, CUIB holds dear this activity as it beliefs that training these students at an early stage to take responsibility for their actions in selecting their leader is a step in grooming true entrepreneurs.
The one week of campaigns will be followed by a series of presidential and vice presidential debates and will conclude with an online voting to determine the next ruling party and President for 2017/2018.