Welcome to The CUIB Buea Campus. This Campus has been functioning right from the genesis of this great university and has graduated thousands of students. Proudly celebrating their alumni, some are now Leaders, CEOs, Managers, Fashion designers and Entrepreneurial game changers within the country as well as abroad. We also have some of our alumni working for the institution,thus contributing to the growth of the university through their acquired skills.

Our campus is located at Molyko, directly opposite the Molyko Omnisport stadium. Our working days are Tuesday through Saturday. You can visit the campus from 8:00am to 4:00pm daily, except for Saturdays where we are closed by 12:00pm.

Campus LIFE


Our flagship routines are a critical part of our university and so are seriously observed

Entrepreneurship Booth Camp

After Learning comes practice. In an entrepreneurial era, a booth camp experience is an eye opener

Trade Fair/Socials

Here in CUIB, we learn while having fun, making your learning experience compelling


We scout for opportunities for our students

Latest Posts

The 2025 CUIB CERI Entrepreneurial Trade Fair officially kicked off at the Bonaberi Douala Campus. The launch ceremony, was chaired
In a bid to foster entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, senior year students from the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB)
The graduating students of the class of 2024 at the Catholic University Institute of Buea, Bonaberi Douala Campus, have been

Who We Are

Servant Leaders

We strongly believe in the philosophy of Servant Leadership. Beyond reasonable doubts, it is wise to serve before leading in order to be a good leader not just intellectually, morally as well. This is why we get our students involved in extra curricular activities that require for them to serve others.

Saints and Scholars

In an era of choking social distraction, it is essential to remind our students often about the need for not only educational excellence, but also about the need for communion with the giver of life. It is for this purposes that we encourage not only intellectual activities, but also a moment of fellowship every school day ( The EoC hour).

Growth Mindset

Educational background is not a barrier to achieving your academic dreams in CUIB. All what it takes is passion.

Hybrid Learning

Distance is not a barrier to your learning experience here at CUIB, with the introduction of the ubiquitous learning system