Welcome to the CUIB Graduate School. The Graduate School at the Catholic University Institute of Buea is a vibrant and exciting place where the academic and professional success of students comes first. An extraordinary faculty offers both an innovative, nationally and internationally recognized curriculum and a unique learning environment for graduate students. Distinguishing features of the program include small classes, exceptional faculty members in every classroom, rigorous course work, an interactive/personalized learning environment, and high-performing students. We engage leading scholars from all corners of the world who instil students with global knowledge.
The faculty strives to nurture first-class business leaders and to foster both academic and applied research to serve the needs of Cameroon, Africa and the rest of the world in the fast-changing global economy. Specifically, we strive:
- to provide the best possible business education to students;
- to produce insightful and impactful research to advance the frontiers of knowledge;
- to improve public policies by engaging in informative policy research and discussions;
- to co-develop with the business community by training and nurturing current and future business leaders, and by addressing and solving pressing issues in the economy and community.
The CUIB Graduate School offers masters programs leading to a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with concentrations in Accounting, Finance, Management, Human Resource Management and Marketing and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Agriculture with concentrations in Organic Livestock Production and Food Security and Sustainable Crop Production and Integrated Pest Management.
Our aspirations at the CUIB Graduate School are to be just as ambitious: to become a premier Graduate school in Cameroon with significant local, regional and global influence.
I invite you to come visit us, join us or join forces with us, in making the Graduate School a beacon in academia, and making the world a better place.