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Dr. Hako Touko Blaise

vice-president for cooperation,Research and publication

  • Location: Canada
  • Graduate: Phd, Master
  • Experience: 10 Years
  • Phone: 0 800 125 55 698
  • Email:
Course description

Dr. Hako Touko Blaise Arnaud received his Bachelor degree in Animal Science in 2004 from the Faculty of Science of the University of Dschang and his Master degree in Animal

Dr. Hako Touko Blaise Arnaud received his Bachelor degree in Animal Science in 2004 from the Faculty of Science of the University of Dschang and his Master degree in Animal Parasitology and Immunology in 2006 from the Faculty of Science of the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon.

He is a holder of a Master of Science in Animal Biotechnology and Production systems with a concentration in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2008) and a PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics (2015) all from the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences of the University of Dschang, Cameroon.

As a lecturer, he teaches Animal Breeding and Genetics. He is a research investigator with interest in the field of Biotechnology, Animal breeding and selection for disease resistance, Organic Animal Production and Community Based Management of Animal genetic resources with a focus on local breeds.

He has been awarded some distinctions as the African Bioscience Challenge Fund (ABCF 2012) with Bioscience for eastern and central Africa of the International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya and the IFS Research Grant 2011 and 2015 for his achievement and Research on the Evaluation of disease resistance in Cameroon native chicken population with particular interest on the Newcastle disease.

He is the Author or co-author of about 20 books and publications.


-Community-based Management of Animal Genetic Resources

-Consultancy in Livestock and guideline Standards

-Animal Breeding and Genetics

-Organic animal Production

-Biostatistics and Bioinformatics


Project Coordinator, Symbiose des Competences pour l'Emploi et le Developpent (SyCED), Haut-Nkam Division, Cameroon (2009-2011)

Principal Investigator for International Research Projects with renowned Organizations including International Foundation for Science (IFS) Sweden and Bioscience for eastern and central Africa of the International Livestock Research Institute (Beca-ILRI) (2010-2013),

Investigator for the Project "Development and sustainable breeding of local chicken for improved productivity under local alternative feed management system and health control" with Africa-Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace, Embrapa Pantanal and AGR Science, Action and Development (2013-2014).

Faculty of the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Catholic University Institute of Buea (SANR-CUIB) (since 2013)

Vice Dean in Charge of Research, Publication and Training, SANR-CUIB (2014)

Promotion to the grade of Lecturer (2015)

Dean, SANR-CUIB (2015)

Vice President for Research and Development (2016 till present)


1.Hako Touko BA. (2015) La poule locale (Gallus gallus) du Cameroun: Polymorphisme moleculaire de la reponse immunitaire et de la tolerance a la maladie de Newcastle. These de Doctorat/PhD en Immunogenetique, Departement des Production Animales, FASA, Universite de Dschang Cameroun. 255 Pp.

2. Lako NJ, Keambou TC, Hako Touko BA, Raquel SJ, Frederico L, Amvongo N, Njouendou AJ, Wanji S, Wabo J, Tchoumboue J. (2015). Epidemiology of Newcastle disease virus among local chickens of west and south-west regions in Cameroon.

Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, Vol 63, No 2. ISSN: 0378-9721.

3. Keambou TC, Hako Touko BA, Ommeh S, Bembide C, Manjeli Y, Wamonje F, Nzuki I, Wanjala B, Wamalwa M, Njahira M, Kyalo M, Cho C Y, Skilton RA and Djikeng A. (2015). Diversity of genetic types of local chickens and introgression with commercial exotic strains in cameroon. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr.AnGR Special Edition, (2015), 147-163

4. Keambou TC, Mboumba S, Hako Touko BA, Bembide C, MezuiMezui T, Tedongmo AM and Manjeli Y. (2015). Growth Performances, Carcass and Egg Characteristics of the Local Chicken and its First Generation Reciprocal Crossbreds with an Exotic Strain in Cameroon. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Vol 3 (10): 507-513.

5.Hako Touko BA, Keambou TC, Han-Jun M, Bembide C, Skilton RA, Ogugo M, Manjeli Y, Osama S, Cho CY and Djikeng A. (2015). Molecular typing of the major histocompatibility complex B microsatellite haplotypes in Cameroon chicken. Animal Genetic Resources, page 1 of 8. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, doi:10.1017/S2078633614000538.

6. Keambou TC, HakoTouko BA, Ommeh S, Bembide C, Ngono EP, Manjeli Y, Wamonje F, Nzuki B, Wanjala M, Wamalwa M, Cho CY, Skilton RA and Djiken A, (2014). Genetic Diversity of the Cameroon Indigenous Chicken Ecotypes.Int. J. Poult. Sci., 13 (5): 279-291.

7. Keambou T C, HakoTouko B A, Mboumba S, Mezui Mezui T, Toukala JP, Boukila B and Manjeli Y. (2014). Response of Local Chicken and Commercial Broiler Breeds to Chronic Heat Stress under Tropical Environment: 1 Effect on Growth Performance. Int. J. Appl Poult. Res. 3(1): 8-14.

8.Keambou TC, HakoTouko BA, Mboumba S, Mezui Mezui T, Toukala JP, Boukila B and Manjeli Y, 2014. Resistance of local chicken and commercial broiler breeds to chronic heat stress in tropical environment: 2-Effects on blood and physiological parameters. Int. J. Appl Poult. Res. 3(2): 28-32.

9.Hako Touko BA, Keambou TC, Cho CY, Han JM, Bembide C, Skilton RA, Djikeng A, Ogugo M and Manjeli Y. (2012): Exploring disease resistance in Cameroon native chicken population: Evaluating genetic diversity of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC-B). Short Communication, African Bioscience Challenge Fund (ABCF) at the Bioscience for eastern and central Africa Hub of the International LivestockResearch Institute (ILRI), Nairobi Kenya, December 20th 2012.

10. HakoTouko BA, Keambou TC, Han JM, Bembide C, Cho CY, Skilton RA, Djikeng A, Ogugo M, Manjeli Y, TebugTumassang T, Zoli PA and Osama S. (2013). The Major Histocompatibility Complex B (MHC-B) and QTL Microsatellite Alleles of Favorable Effect on Antibody Response against the Newcastle Disease. Int. J. Gen. Res, 2(1): 1-8

11. Keambou TC, HakoTouko BA, Bembide C, Ngono Emma P and Manjeli Y. (2013).Effect of genetic type and sex on reproductive, growth, survival performance and thermal tolerance index of the local chicken (Gallus gallus) of the Western Highlands of Cameroon. International Journal of Poultry Science 12 (2): 80-89, ISSN 1682-8356.

12. Bembide C, Hako Touko BA, Manjeli Y and Keambou TC.(2013). Caracterisation morpho biometrique de la poule locale en Centrafrique. Animal Genetic Resources 53 : 33-44. doi:10.1017/S2078633612000525.

13. HakoTouko BA, Keambou TC, Manjeli Y .(2012). Caracterisation de la poule locale domestique (Gallus domesticus): Effet de quelques genes majeurs sur les parametres zootechniques, hematologiques et la tolerance thermique. Editions Universitaires Europeennes EUE. ISBN: 3841791565. 108p.

14. Keambou TC, Manjeli Y, Boukila B, Mboumba S, MezuiMezui T And HakoTouko BA (2010). Heterosis and reciprocal effects of growth performances in F1 crosses generations of Local x Hubbard chicken in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 22, Article#11. Retrieved January 2, 2010, from

15. Keambou TC,Manjeli Y, Meutchieye F, HakoTouko BA, Awono JC. (2010).Compared effects of a concentrate and a traditional diet on growth and economic performances of young local-breed pigs in North Cameroon. Revue d'elevage et de medecine veterinaire des pays tropicaux, 2010, 63 (3- 4): 77-82.

16. HakoTouko BA, Manjeli Y, Teguia A et Tchoumboue J. (2009). Evaluation et prediction de l'effet du type genetique sur l'evolution du poids vif de la poule locale camerounaise (Gallus domesticus). Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 21 Article # 31. Retrieved March 13, 2009. From

17. Hako Touko BA , Manjeli Y.,Awah-Ndukum J et Keambou T C.(2009). Influence du type genetique et du sexe sur les parametres hematologiques et la viabilite de la poule locale Camerounaise (Gallus domesticus). Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 21 Article # 199. Retrieved November, 2009. From

18. HakoTouko BA , Manjeli Y et Keambou TC. (2009). Influence de quelques genes majeurs sur la thermo tolerance, la viabilite et les performances de ponte chez la poule locale (Gallus domesticus). Quinzieme conference annuelle des Biosciences, 04-06 Decembre 2008, Universite de Yaounde 1, Cameroun, Biosciences Proceedings, 2009, Vol. 15 : 44

19. Hako Touko BA. (2009). Contribution a la valorisation des Ressources Genetiques locales par la promotion d'une gestion communautaire et scientifique integree : Cas de la volaille locale de l'Arrondissement de Bakou (Region de l'Ouest-Cameroun). Communication, Seminaire de la World Poultry Science Cameroon-Branch, le 26 juin 2009, Universite de Dschang (Cameroun).


Excellence Academic Diploma, University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2004

African Bioscience Challenge Fund Research Grant on "Exploring the molecular basis of disease resistance on local chicken populations of Cameroon" from the International Livestock Research Institute-Bioscience for eastern and central Africa, Nairobi Kenya, 2012.

IFS Research grant on "Evaluation of the effect of the Naked neck gene on the adaptability and immune response against the Newcastle disease caused by Avianparamyxovirus 1" from the International Foundation for Science, Sweden /University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2011-2013.

IFS Research grant on "Upgrading natural disease resistance against Avian paramyxovirus 1 (Newcastle disease) and in situ in vivo conservation of selected local chickens, International Foundation for Science, Sweden/Catholic University Institute of Buea, Cameroon, 2015-2018.

Faculty Scholar Award, CUIB (2014 and 2015)


World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) Cameroon Forum of Biological Science (CAFOBIOS) Cameroon Bioscience Society (CSB) Domestic Animal Diversity Network (DAD-Net)