Good profit conference
The President of CUIB Rev. Fr. Geoge Nkeze Jingwa, shall be attending the Good Profit Conference at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. 4-6 OCT, 2017
The President of CUIB Rev. Fr. Geoge Nkeze Jingwa, shall be attending the Good Profit Conference at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. 4-6 OCT, 2017
Dear students,
You are reminded of the official reopening of the school year scheduled for October 9, 2017 at 9:a.m. Come along with the originals and photocopies of your documents.
We are happy to announce that our President and Pro-Chancellor clocks 25 years as a Priest of the Diocese of Buea, Cameroon, this year 2017. He was ordained on the 6th of December 1992, at Fontem in Lebialem Division, S W Region of Cameroon. As this anniversary is a milestone of sorts, coupled with Fr
It is a ceremony held in honor of students following the completion of academic requirements of the university.
Dear Student, Happy New Year from CUIB. You are reminded that classes resume effectively on Friday January 5th 2018. Enjoy your break!
COLLOQUIUM / GUEST SPEAKER EVENT Wednesday, January 17, 2018EoC Village, Molyko Campus at 12:45 pm prompt Presentation By: Roland Kwemain, Founder and CEO, GO Ahead Africa Ltd Theme: “Effective time Management as a Key Success factor in leadership and Entrepreneurship” Download full Profile of Guest Speaker
Students of the Catholic University Institute of Buea will begin their irst semester exams on the 1st of March. The exams will run for 10 days and ends on the 10th of March
Imbolo Mbue is a native of Limbe, Cameroon. She holds a BS from Rutgers University and an MA from Columbia University. A resident of the United States for more than a decade, she lives in New York City. This is her first novel. Theme: Empowering Women and Youth for 21st Century Challenges Find out more
The Catholic University Institute of Buea will be organizing a 5 days dubbed CUIB CERI Entrepreneurship and Academic Fair.The event which is a flagship tradition of the university will see students display stands, interact with the business world among other things. The fair will run from the 11th April to 15th April 2018
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