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Rev.Fr. George Nkeze Jingwa, Ed.D.


Course description

Rev. Fr Nkeze George Jingwa is the Pro-Chancellor and President of the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), Cameroon, and the Bishop\’s delegate for Special Duties, Government and Foreign missions

Rev. Fr Nkeze George Jingwa is the Pro-Chancellor and President of the Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), Cameroon, and the Bishop\'s delegate for Special Duties, Government and Foreign missions for the Catholic Diocese of Buea, Cameroon, West Africa. He was a speaker at the 2009 International Symposium on African Education organized by the Salesian University (Rome), the university from where he obtained his PhD in Sciences of Education in 2007. He has a substantial experience in the field of education and academic arena. Rev. Fr. Nkeze has served as a College Principal, Diocesan Secretary for Education, the Pioneer Director of John Paul II institute of Theology for the Laity (JOPASIT) and Pioneer President of UIDB, Cameroon. Rev. Fr. Nkeze is a member of the International Association for Supervision and curriculum Development, ASCD, and a contributor to International and National periodicals such as the Periodicum Internationale trimestre editum a professoribus Pontificiae Studiorum Universitatis Salesianae-Romae, L\'effort Camerounais and Journal for Catholic Higher Education.   The Journal of Catholic Higher Education is the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, semi-annual journal of the association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. It is the only international journal dedicated solely to the distribution of scholarly work and commentary with a focus on contemporary Catholic Higher Education in the United States and around the world. His publications include African-centred Pedagogy and m\'bangsuma: Underpinnings from the Cameroon culture, (2007) Salesian University Press, Rome. How to be an Intercessor: A study Manual for Beginners, Maryland Printers, Bamenda, 2008; Lord Teach us How to Pray... A prayer Manual for Intercessors, Maryland Printers, Bamenda, 2011, Let my People go, 101: Prayers, Litanies and Invocations to Cast out Evil Spirits, Maryland Printers, Bamenda, 2011 and Curses, Hexes, and Spells: How to be Released from them, Maryland Printers, Bamenda, 2013 and : In New Wineskins: The Economy of Communion as a Model for Catholic Business Schools in Africa-The case of the University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB), newly published in the 2012 summer edition of Journal for Catholic Higher education.   Recently he was selected as a member of the organizing committee representing the African Continent for the 9th International symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education scheduled to take place in Manila, the Philippines in 2015. Rev. Fr. Nkeze\'s expertise is in Catholic and African-centred Education He also loves restoring the African identity.