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CUIB 2016 Commencement Mass.

Senior Year students in transition of the Catholic University Institute of Buea have been reminded to serve their community as saints and scholars while fostering the identity of their alma mater- CUIB. These values were echoed by the Director of the CUIB Campus Ministry Reverend Father Francoise Xavier during the celebration of the CUIB 2016 Commencement Mass, celebrated in honor of the 2016 graduating students of the University. Holding at the CUIB commencement ground, a total of 394 students from both the Schools and Colleges of CUIB, were empowered with God’s blessings as they take up another step in their academic and entrepreneurial journey. Inviting these students to emulate the life of Christ who served in truth and in love, the students were called upon to put into practice the holistic education received from the City of Saints and Scholars. The CUIB 2016 Commencement Mass is part of the three days commencement exercises of CUIB which started with volunteerism activities by students to their community and will conclude with the Commencement Ceremony slated for Friday June 23rd 2017 at the CUIB Molyko Campus.